dimanche 22 avril 2012

Know the dark sides of our immune system

In the part popularization, we are trying to explain 
scientific phenomena as clearly as possible.

A category tricks, which prepares us to face up to
the pathogenic invasion.

A part concerning behavior we must have to
revitalize our immune system

The part Prejudices deals with
what you think and reveals what is not completely true

Finally, in the category revolutionary solutions, we shall
present you new ideas to improve our immunity in the future.

Blog in French 
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2 commentaires:

  1. This blog is really very interesting and learnt a lot me. I find that although there are people there who announces of them works when they are instructive like that. Very good continuation to you. ;)

  2. This blog is very informative, and I think it's a very good idea to do a blog in French and English, to enable all persons who fall on the blog to learn, etc.

    And, good luck to this blog!
